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int’l game theory review
国际博奕理论评论  detail>>
game review
破周报  detail>>
game theory
策略运筹法[学],形势运筹学〔运用数学分析的方法去选择最好的策略以求在比赛、战争,商业等上缩小损失或转小胜为大胜的方法,也叫 theory of game〕。  detail>>
the game theory
粤人不仅有悠久的商业传统,也有传统的博弈  detail>>
theory of game
对策论, 博弈论 竞赛理论  detail>>
a review on the theory of middle class
关于中产阶级的理论回顾  detail>>
decision and game theory
决策和对策认  detail>>
dominance (game theory)
支配性策略  detail>>
evolutionary game theory
进化博弈理论 演化博弈理论  detail>>
game theory for managers
经理人的博奕论  detail>>
median game theory
中线对策论  detail>>
oligopoly and game theory
寡头垄断与对策论  detail>>
a int
A Int = Air Intelligence 航空情报。   detail>>
并让它每个记录自动加一 电器股份有限公司 类型和 内景 其它交互式网页 取整 如噬菌体 整数, 中断 整型 知...  detail>>
ad int
在此期间;当时;暂时  detail>>
ex int
无利息  detail>>
gee int
惊讶时所发声音  detail>>
头带耳机控制  detail>>